Success Stories

Glenorie Progress Association has had some wins, on your behalf.


1. Koalas and the environment centre


Koalas have been heard in the Glenorie area.

Not that the GPA is taking credit, but we are keeping a keen eye and ear out and doing what we can to create awareness and develop a habitat. 

A topical subject if you have been following the media stories announcing that koalas are to be declared functionally extinct! At the very successful KITE Day on 18 May, Dr Michelle Ryan advised us that only 80,000 koalas exist in Australia, mainly on the east coast and 35,000 are in NSW. Their habitat is threatened by US mainly through deforestation of their habitat and killing them on our roads. It is therefore up to US to convince our local, State and Federal members to help stop this from happening.  SO the GPA is doing just that. We need to put up signs to alert road users of the presence of koalas crossing Old Northern Road and other roads in Glenorie district. PLUS we have put up a KOALA TREE and need your donations of toy koalas to put on our “TREE” out the front of Woolworths Glenorie. Drop off your koala to our members at the Glenorie Growers Market or contact us via  

Speaking of trees, you can do your bit on your property by planting koala food trees. We have a list of trees that you can plant. Dr Ryan’s team is monitoring for signs of koalas in our area and you can get on board by reporting sightings, bellowing or scratchings to

Let’s save our National icon in Glenorie.

“Koalas return to Glenorie District”


2. Improvements on Glenorie Roads


Glenorie Progress Association’s (GPA) engagement with Councillors and Members of Parliament has been paying off.  In 2021GPA members raised the speed limit of Whites Road with Member for Hawkesbury Robyn Preston MP.  From June 2021 Transport for NSW installed a 60kph limit on Whites and Boronia Roads to provide a consistent journey for all motorists Ms Preston said.

Thank you Robyn for this action and the the GPA members for keeping safety a priority.

Then in 2022 The Hills Shore Council Mayor Dr Pater Gengemi responded to requests from the community to reduce speed limits on Cattai Ridge Road road.

Considerable funds have been allocated to Cattai Ridge Road and Halcrows Road and you can see the results in the road widening that has occurred already.

Thank you, THSC and Mayor Gangemi, for listening to the GPA members and the Glenorie community.

60 km sign.jpg

3. Council engagement


GPA is acting as a forum where issues common to both Hills and Hornsby Shire Councils, relation to Glenorie, can be addressed. Councillors from both councils regularly attend and generously give up their time to hear community issues.

We would like to thank:

Councillor Brooke Collins OAM - Hills

Councillor Dr Peter Gangemi - Hills

Councillor Michael Hutchence - Hornsby

Councillor Warren Waddell - Hornsby

For their dedication and attendance